Monday, May 6, 2019

Spiritual Up and Running

Of late I am having a great time in my personal devotions as we read through the Bible. We do it every year but it is not boring.  This year I am seeing how I often get great concepts from my reading.  Things I need to implement in my daily life.  AND there is  the problem.  How can I consistently get what I know in my head to be in my heart, and working.  How to get it up and running.  With a computer, you push a button and if you push the right set of buttons, you are up and running.  Spiritual life is different.  There are no buttons.  It takes much thought and energy to keep the focus where it needs to be.  No sliding by!  I cannot do this! God is steadfast, and keeps pulling me into account. So implementation requires me to go deeper into God, and know him.  More God, less Jeffrey works well.

1 comment:

  1. You've learned a lot, already! Christ living in us is the hope of glory! J. B. Phillips puts it this way: “The secret is simply this: Christ in you! Yes, Christ in you bringing with him the hope of all glorious things to come.”
