Monday, April 1, 2019

That Big Bag of Expectations

This week I got to go to my sister’s house for the day.  We had some work to do for her so we went.  I always get excited about seeing her and go with a whole sac of expectations about the time.  I know in my head my expectations are unreasonable, but each time I go I pack up those expectations and drag them along with me.  Then, rather than enjoying my time, I am frustrated because my expectations are not being met.  So, I get to pack up my disappointment for the trip home.

This time I tried to focus on what we were doing, and enjoying that.  I tried to be more flexible.  So when a disaster in the kitchen delayed and changed the breakfast plan, I prayed, and waited without being obnoxious.  When the dog tried to sit on me, I was patient, and nudged her in a different direction.  When Mom and Abi went shopping for clothes Abi needed, I did not get mad, but prayed they would find what was needed.  When lunch was not to my time schedule, I waited and prayed for no disasters. 
At the end of the day the work was accomplished, and I was happy.  I had a pleasant day with my sister, and I experienced little frustration.  It was a good time.  I could thank the Lord for a good time.  Next time I do not have to carry the heavy bag of expectations when I go.  Thus the heavier bag of disappointment also is not on my back. 

Now, to remember this and do it!

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