Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Just Like Any Other Day


Matthew 1:21

"She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins."

Advent makes us think of the celebration that Jesus was born!  A wonderful birth.  But actually, at the time few saw it as anything remarkable.  The world did not stop and stand in awe.  Many did not know or care that a world changing event had just occurred.  The vast majority just plodded along in the routine of life.  The suffering and joys had not changed.  Israel waited for the coming Messiah, but most saw it as far in the distance.  The world in general went on with life as usual.

So it is with many of us today.  We see it as an event in the distant past.  It is a time for merchants to make money, and people to spend money.  The significance of Christmas is lost in the holiday bustle. 

I want to remember what happened that night in the stable.  I want to rejoice at the unfolding of God’s plan through the ages to arrange for my salvation.  I want to remember.  Won’t you join me in pondering that significance?  If it has no meaning for you, now is the time to find that meaning and internalize it.  Come on!  Think on the significance of Jesus’s birth.  Let it change your life!

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