Tuesday, April 19, 2022

That Nasty Word Change


The day was rainy and windy.  It  was a day I was to go horse riding, but due to the weather we agreed to pass on riding.  As an autistic man I abhor change.  I am known for my resistance to change.  I really think I function much better when everything stays the same and there is NO CHANGE!  I understand why we could not go, but I still do not like it. 

My mom has frequently told me she understands my feelings about change, but life is full of changes.  To survive I must learn to navigate change.  It is inevitable.  She has told me she expects me to learn to flow with life’s frequent changes with grace. I have come to see that accepting change with grace will be a mark of my maturity.  I confess, I have a long way to go in this area of my life. 

Contemplating how to grow in this area, my thoughts went to what God might say to me about this.  The Bible is full of references to Gods constancy.  He does not change.  He is the same every day.  He is our rock, shield and refuge.  He is always there, forever. 

In the midst of this constancy, his mercies are new every morning.  He creates new sunsets every day.  He changes the seasons and the weather. He gives us surprises that change our days.

I have decided I need to enjoy the changes as I walk safely in the shelter of the unchanging God.  Only then will I know true joy and peace.


  1. What a wonderful outlook! God is our unchangeable foundation in an ever changing world. May I pass this on to my Ukrainian friends.

    1. Yes, please share it with them. I am praying for Ukrain.
