Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Under The Shelter of His Wing


2020 is such a strange year.  I find myself puzzling over what will pop up next.  In Japan we were blessed with a long, very wet rainy season featuring no sun for a month.  The down side was mold, but the up side was cooler temperatures for July. Then rainy season vanished, and the sun poured out all the saved up rays.  The result has been sweltering heat which does not abate much at night.  Being outside is miserable and makes you feel exhausted. 


The virus continues to push its way into our lives.  It threatens us, and makes gatherings dangerous.  Our annual summer birthday party had to go on hold indefinitely. We have to throw out all the old customs and reinvent our days.  We are tired, but so is everyone else.  They get no relief.  Stress levels are high.  I am constantly being confronted with my inflexibility of lifestyle.  We all want times of the comfortable familiar, but it is not to be.  So what do I do?


I must remind myself that God is faithful and unchanging.  I have to burrow in closer and closer to Him where I find unchanging love and faithfulness.  There I can breathe and relax, and cling to the security of God’s timeless truths.  Focus on God.  It works! In the shadow of His wing I find refuge, and courage to face whatever comes, each day.  It is when I come away from the shelter of His wing that life becomes overwhelming.  So I am writing this in the shelter of His Wing.  We can shelter at home, but it is more secure to shelter under His wing! Care to join me?

1 comment:

  1. You are so elequent in your English, Jeffrey. You are right. This was no surprise to God, and He is with us every moment. Nothing will come to us, that is not approved by Jesus Himself. So we are safe in His Hands.
