Monday, April 20, 2020

Learning in the Time of "The Virus"

What am I learning at this time of “The Virus?”  Well, I have learned that routine is easily upended.  My routine and personal desires are not sacred.  Life contains much outside my little box.  I can choose to be a blessing or be a big pain.  Being a big pain does attract attention, but maybe not the attention I like.  Trying to get my own way usually ends in misery for me. 

I am finding my world more and more restricted. As the virus continues its course, activities are gradually waning.  I see my parents, and my parents, and my parents and my parents.  I love them, and they are usually pleasant on the eyes, but even I need variety.  We are working hard at spending quality time, but they still have many responsibilities, and so I am learning to be mature. I should have learned this long ago, but I did not like the learning. It is hard and unpleasant at times.  Being immature is easier.

This is a good time to work on growing.  I need to take the challenge and rise higher.  I can hone new skills and add others. I can pray and meditate on Jesus.    Time for me to make good choices, and increase my faith.  Help me be growing, not stagnating!


  1. Jeffrey, I enjoyed your post. Keep working at growing, it's something we do our entire life. God bless you. Paul

  2. Thank you, Uncle Paul. Hope you ae well at this unique time.
