Monday, June 24, 2019

Flexibility Chasing Me

I am a person who thrives on routine.  I do best when there is a strict routine that is followed exactly.  I like a set routine.  Do you get the idea?  Now we all know that life ALWAYS has changes.  They come flying at you causing you to be a flexible person.  I do not think I am gifted with flexibility. Therefore for me life can be so challenging. I am reminded about learning to be flexible as a part of maturity.

I am continually confronted with life situations that need me to be flexible.  If I am to function in life I must learn to be flexible.  It is time to wake up and know that life will not always go like I want it to go.  I must learn to take my plans more lightly and be joyful about putting my plans aside and embracing the change.

I am finding out that sometimes the change brings difficult things.  But sometimes the change may even make a trip for tea and a donut at Tully’s  an option.

1 comment:

  1. This is a hard thing for a lot of people. Good job keeping focused
