Monday, June 24, 2019

Flexibility Chasing Me

I am a person who thrives on routine.  I do best when there is a strict routine that is followed exactly.  I like a set routine.  Do you get the idea?  Now we all know that life ALWAYS has changes.  They come flying at you causing you to be a flexible person.  I do not think I am gifted with flexibility. Therefore for me life can be so challenging. I am reminded about learning to be flexible as a part of maturity.

I am continually confronted with life situations that need me to be flexible.  If I am to function in life I must learn to be flexible.  It is time to wake up and know that life will not always go like I want it to go.  I must learn to take my plans more lightly and be joyful about putting my plans aside and embracing the change.

I am finding out that sometimes the change brings difficult things.  But sometimes the change may even make a trip for tea and a donut at Tully’s  an option.

Friday, June 14, 2019

God's Miracles

My dad preached about miracles Sunday.  It got me thinking.  I really like to define my miracles.  I ask God to heal my autism, to heal friends, to get visas, to provide more money or food or goods I think I need.  Then I am prepared to sit back and wait for it all to work out just like I asked.  What a spoiled child of God I am!  Who do I think I am?

I am thinking I need to ask God to open my eyes to see His miracles.  They may not look like I imagine them.  They may not meet my definition.  I am seeing that each day I rise up healthy is a miracle.  At the end of the day I survived the day as an autistic man without a meltdown.  That is miraculous.  Perhaps it is as much a miracle to live with autism in peace as it is to be healed.  Maybe I need to concentrate on asking for the miracle to maintain my solid faith as I walk through the trials of life.  Rather than asking for God to do a miracle and change my circumstances, perhaps I need to ask God for the miracle of godly contentment no matter the circumstance.  So while my circumstance may not change, my heart will change.  And of course that is a greater miracle.