Monday, February 18, 2019

Windy Day Faith

Today is a windy, windy day.  Things are blowing around outside.  Shudders and windows clatter in the assault.  I see dust in the air and who knows what else.  Then Dad says time to run.  I think, “I am sure the noise of the wind made it sound like he wants to run now.  It must be a mistake.”  But, alas, it is no mistake.  We are getting ready for a run or is it a fly?  We get all put together and open the door to a blast of cold air and off we go.  I am not sure about this.  Will I survive?  I have no idea, but Dad says let’s go so I go. 
Hmm ... kind of like walking by faith with Jesus day by day.  Danger is everywhere.  I can imagine such terrible things that could happen to me.  But Jesus says, “Come now and walk with me,” so I go.  That is the walk of faith.  Leave it to Jesus.  He knows best, so trust Him and obey!

1 comment:

  1. Jeffrey, I didn't know that you and your dad run. That is wonderful. Our family is full of runners and our son David is a professional trail runner. Lots of running mentioned in the Bible too. Keep it up. I loved your Winnie the Pooh picture too. nancy (friends from Portland)
