Today begins a new chapter in my life as I begin to blog. I am looking out my window at gloom and rain. (not something new) In my heart is joy and sunshine because “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” That comes from my verse for the year, Psalm 139:14. Verse 16 is great encouragement, too. “16Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them” That gives me great encouragement as I meditate on it. Before I was born God knew what my days would hold. He made me, he planned my life. Best of all, He did not just make me, plan my days and then leave me to fend for myself. He holds me in His hands and cares about each aspect of my life, every minute detail! Hallelujah! I have been born with autism which is a challenge, but when I remember I was purposefully made, I must conclude the autism is part of the purpose. That makes it look a little different. Rather than feel sorry for myself I need to rejoice and bring glory to God. Well, that is the goal, but not always attained. It is easier stated on paper or in a blog than played out in the day to day existence. So today I will practice focusing on the Creator who is still shaping me for his purpose.
Jeffrey Hill
October 3,2009
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