Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Here's To You Dad!


Another Father’s Day has come.  People are honoring their fathers and it is really great.  I would like to add my voice.  The other day I was reflecting that God made me to be my dad’s son.  He made me to enter Dad’s life making him a dad.  He fashioned us to cause each of us to grow.  I am so thankful to my dad who understands me.  He has loved me from the start.  He has taught me about God’s love by showing me in practice.  He has given discipline to help me be righteous.  He has accepted my limitations, but never settles for less than I can do.  He expects me to try hard and never stop growing.  I love my dad so much.  I am so glad God chose him for me!

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Brilliant Green


On a walk with my mom last week, we had a great display of God’s beauty.  The sky was clear, cloudless blue.  Stretching up into that glorious blue were scores of trees adorned in their brilliant green gowns, ready for the day.  Remembering just a couple months ago, only the stately evergreens were dressed up, as all the other trees stood bare in anticipation of spring’s arrival with the new gowns of the season.  The shades of green were endless.  They shimmered in a very light breeze.  Looking up snatches of blue sky peeked here and there among the canopy of green.  Looking down we saw a scattering of pink azalea blooms as fine accents.  Oh, what peace and beauty there was in the park.  I was able to praise God for allowing me to view this splendor as I began my day.  It set the tone for my day, reminding me how the Creator God blends all His creation into a marvelous exhibition, new every day.  Each with its own beauty. Created without mistakes.  All creation created without mistakes—even me!