Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Change of Season


The change of seasons always is hard for me.  I find it hard to sleep and that does not set me up for a good day.  I want to moan and complain, but who is at fault?  God controls the seasons. So, do I have the audacity to complain to The God Almighty that He is not doing this to my liking?  I am afraid that sometimes I do just that.  As I read about the Israelites in the Old Testament, they did exactly that.  It usually got them in big trouble.  I guess I better find another way to cope.

I think first I need to cease fussing about and know God.  I need to know His character and realize I can trust Him.  Then I need to pray for His peace for this time.  Then I think I need to praise Him even if I cannot sleep, even if I am uncomfortable.  I may not sleep any better, but my heart will be lighter and have joy even if my eyes are tired.  It all comes down to trusting God who definitely knows what He is doing!

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Friends in Need


We seem to have many relatives and friends going through major storms in their lives.  They need help of some kind.  We talk as a family about what we can do.  Sometimes there is a physical need we can fill, but usually we are not close enough to do that.  So, what can we offer?

Well, the very best thing we can do is pray!  Pray for them is to remember who it is who commands the storm.  I often forget about that.  But I am beginning to learn that I can cling to God’s hand and He will walk with me!  He will take charge and bring me through.  When I get to the end of the storm, I will be stronger in faith, and know how to meet the next storm…. if I do not forget!  Help me remember, Lord!