Friday, September 18, 2020

Do What Is Right in God's Eyes


Some days I just cannot get myself to be on top of things.  I allow distractions to lead me off chasing phantoms when I am supposed to be doing what God has laid before me.  I sometimes become a distraction to those I love.  Our Fellowship of Three family needs to have each of us working together to be effective tools for God.  We each take turns being out of tune, and then our song is awful. I need to focus on Jesus every day!  I need to turn my back on sin, no matter how inconsequential it may seem.  I need to see what God is doing and choose to be part of that work.  It is not at all productive to do what is right in my own eyes, because my vision is not clear.  Even with glasses on! I need my Scripture eyes to rise up and do what is right in God’s eyes every time.  Help me Lord!