Monday, July 13, 2020

God, Horses, and Me

As many of you know I love to ride horses.  I have time scheduled every Friday morning at 9:30 to ride for 45 minutes at a stable near my home.  For many years it has been the high point of my week.  For 2 months I had to stop this because of “The Virus”.  It made me sad, but I understood it had to be.  Yet I missed that weekly rendezvous with a horse. In all the years I have ridden I have been paired with a variety of older horses deemed safe for me.  Most of them I liked, and of course some better than others.  My favorites eventually die due to age and a new horse canters into the favored position.  Before the COVID-19 break I had two fine chestnut horses that filled the favored spot.  When I came back the one I least favored was my first ride.  He was delighted to see me!  He remembered me.  He could hardly stop nuzzling me.  He wanted Mom to scratch the top of his head.  He was obedient and more responsive to me.  The next week I had the other favored horse, but he was not as excited to see me.  Of course I have decided to throw my affection to the horse that remembered me well.


It made me think about the fact that God remembers me.  He knows my name.  I am inscribed on His palm.  I need to be excited to see Him each day.  I need to nuzzle in and let Him care for me.  I need to prize Him more than the horse or anything else in this world.  I admit I do not always do it. Lord, help me prize you above all else!