Monday, December 9, 2019

The House Is Ready, Is My Heart?

Here we are in advent again.  Mom and I put up our tree and began adorning it for our celebration.  Just need to string popcorn for the tree and drape it on.  The window is festooned with wreath and blinking lights.  It looks festive in our living room!

We have begun our daily advent reading to begin to prepare our hearts.  We have stimulating discussion after breakfast as we discuss advent themes. 

 I have finished my Christmas shopping, also.  For those of you in the know, that can be an extremely stressful time for me.  This year I tried being more prayerful as I went.  Mom made gentle suggestions, but my parents made me take the lead, and I was determined to be mature and not meltdown.  God gave wisdom and protection.  I made it!

In the following weeks our schedule will be really busy with worthwhile celebrations.  But, we cannot lose sight of Jesus, God’s only Son, coming to our world to save us.  The awe of that must be supreme above food, gifts, and decorations.  So I must focus on the advent and keep focus, every minute on God’s gift to me of salvation through Jesus!  I trust you will join me in reflecting on the wonder of salvation this season.