Monday, September 23, 2019

Another Step In Maturity

The last couple of weeks have been full of life lessons causing me to grow in faith and maturity.  Many of the lessons I would never have chosen but they came certainly with God’s permission.  At times I thought I could not endure another minute.  Many times I did not want to endure another minute.  I confess to melting down and having selfish rants.  Surprisingly there were also times of steadfastness in my faith, and good decisions made.

So what did I learn?  The main thing I take away from this is that God is in control, all the time. He is not out of control for even one second. Therefore I must keep nestled into His wing of shelter, and trust.  Panic has no useful purpose for me.  It wastes my energy and that of those around me.  When I give in to panic, I am yielding control to sin. God has better for me.  So I will actively pursue the shelter of God’s wing, and let Him carry me through the storm.  He is able!