Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Thanks, Dad!

This week we honored fathers.  I want to take this opportunity to honor my dad who leads me daily to Jesus.  I get tired and lazy a lot, but my dad always pulls me back on track.  He does not let me just get by, but calls me higher.  I confess it sometimes makes me angry, but as I reflect on my life journey I see God always calling me higher.  My earthly dad is a reflection of my heavenly father.  I will never be a dad, but I will often have reason to interact in young lives.  I want to be known for calling them higher.  We have great potential so why settle for just getting by?  I want to aim for excellence and achieve it.  I want to use all God gave me to the fullest.  That will not only honor my earthly father, but my heavenly Father as well.

Monday, May 28, 2018

The Pit Falls of OLife

One minute I was on top of the horse. The next minute I was crumpled on the ground. How did it happen?  The horse is old and grumpy.  Riding has given me much joy, but that horse has been a great challenge.  I maybe let my concentration slip, and the horse was more irritated than usual.  My glasses flew off and I was blind because they were not on my face.  I found them and stood up but I was shaky.  My mom had me lie down while she cradled my head in her lap.  She was worried, I knew, but she remained upbeat.  My right leg was sore but I could move everything.  I was stunned.  I finally was allowed to get up and the horse was gone.  I wanted to ride.  My trainer knew that and called for a horse.  After many minutes a new horse came.  He was a good horse, but anxiety rose up within me.  My trainer recognized it and slowed the pace.  Mom was encouraging me.  The lesson ensued and I went to drink a bit of tea.
I had prayed to be a blessing at the stable that morning.  Was I a blessing?  I do not know, but I pray we were that morning.  I pray our love of Jesus was reflected in our faces and actions, even under pressure.  That is what God calls us to do.  Our obedience brings that blessing to us and others.

God protected me.  I do not have one bruise as a result.  I was sore for two days, and now I am fine.  I will be back in the saddle on Friday!

Monday, April 9, 2018

Ah, Spring Comth!

Spring in Japan means cherry blossoms.  The calendar may say spring, but it is not spring until the cherry blossoms emerge.  Sometimes they are early, sometimes later.  But always they signal spring. This signal of spring is fleeting.  Last week the cherry blossoms hit their peak.  The trees seemed heavy with blossoms that delicately fluttered in the breeze.  Here and there were delicate pink blossoms and an occasional deep pink blossomed tree. I was outside three days last week.  Wednesday I rode in the car under arches of cherry trees in full bloom, making a cherry blossom tunnel. Thursday I was volunteering at a daycare facility, and we played at a park surrounded by trees festooned in cherry blossoms.  Friday I went horseback riding among the blossoms.  The horse I rode is tall so astride the horse I was surrounded by blooms to peer through the flowers to see a clear blue sky.  What beauty!  What an Artist who planned and crafted it all. I cannot begin to take it in, much less express it. 

Now the bright green leaves are pushing the dainty pink flowers away to make their bold entrance.  This year’s signal of spring is passing away to make room for other glories.  This year’s spectacle has drawn to a close.  But I take heart, for next year’s production is already in the making.  I praise you, Lord, for letting me visit your private gallery.  I eagerly await the next showing.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Winter At My House

Cold nights, freezing mornings, and wet snow.  Yes, these are elements of our winter this year.  I bundle up, even is the house, because we do not central heat our homes here. This means we have to wear more inside.  But, we just bundle up and move on with the day. We must plan activities around when it is warmest.  We learn to adapt.  We heat our beds with hot water bottles or electric devices.  We heat the bathroom with electric toilet seats.  Many Japanese have small electric carpets that warm your feet. 

At my house we heat our living room, so our activities are done there.  We sometimes get in each other’s way, but for the most part, it works well.  I like that we are together, doing our projects separately together.  I can help my parents do their work, and they help me.  It has a real family feel.  My favorite time is after dinner when we read and sometime watch things together.  Kind of life in pioneer days, but with many more conveniences. We could complain about this situation, but it is more fun to embrace it and run with it. I am thankful for the family ties that become stronger with shared experiences. 

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Big Investment Opportnities

I was recently assisting my parents at a preschool English class.  There were over twenty children there- all under three years old.  They were active, noisy, and so interesting.  Some were fighting for their independence.  Some wanted no part of independence.  Occasionally one would get out a sound which came close to an English word.  At that point everyone cheered.  Most of the time they did not speak or even seem to be listening. 

As I watched I marveled that any learning could occur with each child doing his own thing.  At some points it seemed a waste of time.  But was it?

No, it was doing what God asked us to do.  It was about so much more than English.  It was about obeying God.  It was about delivering the love of Jesus to both the children and their mothers.  It was about establishing a safe haven for the mothers and children.  It was acknowledging the value of each human life, and saying, “We care about you.”  It was about listening to moms who are tired and working hard to do a good job.  It was about telling them Jesus knows you and loves you. 

 I came away thanking God that I had the privilege to be in that room being part of God’s work.  Rather than a waste of time, it was a big investment in The Kingdom.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Living Through the Holidays

The holidays have run into the past.  I enjoyed them much, but not without incident.  One of my early Christmas presents was a Christmas cold. It did not interfere with my celebrations much, but was an annoyance poking at me day by day.  It made me tired and sometimes grumpy.  It meant I needed more rest, but it was not a big problem. 

I was able to breeze through Christmas shopping this year because I prayed.  My inflexibility always becomes a path to disaster.  This year I gave thought to what I thought my family might want or need.  I worked hard to not be very specific about my Christmas list.  Then to go to the store or online in prayer soaked thought.  It worked.  I actually had fun and I think my parents did, too.  Amazing!

We entertained friends and family.  We had my sister and brother here for a celebration.  We made pizza that was too good!  My mom is such a great cook.  We opened presents and laughed and visited until we were so tired. 
This year we read some advent essays provided by Wheaton College.  It prepared our hearts for each ministry event.  Even though we were all tired from our colds, because we were so focused on why we were celebrating, it was enjoyable.

 Now we are working on being intentional in our living each day.  This is challenging, but we are successful because God is with us.  I do not make resolutions each year. However, this year I am working at being God’s faithful warrior.  I want to be faithful even when I am tired, stressed, and overwhelmed.  I can only do that by prayer.  I want to make a difference.  So, I am praying, praying, praying!