do I refrain from sinning when the sinning comes so naturally? I want to be righteous, but in moments of
deep stress out comes sin in all its ugliness.
I hate it but am powerless to hold it at bay. I am far from perfect, but I seem to have
times when sin just pushes to the fore, embarrassing me and those around me.
Autistic meltdown could be argued to be unavoidable, yet it is out of control
behavior. Jesus was not out of control
in His behavior, but often out of control off the circumstances. Yet He displayed
grace at every turn. I cannot hide
behind the wall of autism to justify sinful behavior. You see, when I stand before God there is no
excuse for sin. When I stand before God
I better not be standing at all, but be flat on the ground before Him. I must acknowledge His holiness and my
do I then shrink the gap? The gap is
wide! No way can I cross it. How can I accomplish it? The very key is that I cannot. Only Jesus can bridge the gap. I must give up my puny self and fall on Jesus
who will provide all I lack. He is the
Wonderful Counselor. And that is all I
need. I must hide behind Jesus who will
guard me from Satan. To avoid sin get
closer to Jesus. Oh, to be able to
remember that!