Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Adventure - Brazil

Ahhh!  Brazil!  I could never have imagined all the delights of this trip.  It was not an easy trip.  30 hours in transit can be tough, and it was.  Sleep often escapes me in the excitement of inflight movies and food and so much anticipation.  I was grateful for a bed and good rest on arrival. 

Then the fun began.  We were able to see old friends.  We made new friends.  We spoke the words God gave us.  We ministered as a unit, each of us with our part.  We saw lives touched because God was working.  We were busy, but we were busy doing Kingdom business.  It was so energizing. 

I have been asked about highlights.  Oh, how can I pick!  Meeting a new translator who was a kindred spirit, speaking to packed churches, sharing fellowship with new friends, standing with the mighty men from the summer team.  I cannot name them all.  But the all-out highlight was God working through three ordinary people to change hearts. That was worth any inconvenience of travel, and lack of sleep.  I would go again and again if God calls me. 

When I was baptized I stated God had called me to go into all the world and preach.  Some people laughed at that, but it is starting.  I believe God is calling me to speak for those who cannot speak, where ever that is.  I must go and help show how God is not limited by human weakness.  I am weak, yes, but God is exceedingly strong, so no problem. 

Wonder where the next adventure will take us.


Thursday, February 6, 2014

On Being Sick

Displaying WIN_20140206_145241 (2).JPGThe other day I was sick.  I am generally healthy, but this crept up on me, making me feel a bit out of sorts at first.  As dinner approached I assumed I was just hungry.  Then the vomiting began.  I have only vomited once or twice my whole life, so this continuous event really got me upset.  I was mad at my parents for not letting me eat.  I was mad at my body for not letting me eat.  I hated the helplessness of my plight.  My parents worked hard for hours to help me.  I wanted to eat, sleep, and have my normal routine.  How frustrated I was. 

My dad finally got some prayer going through Facebook.  My sister called, and I felt a little better.  I could sense my body relaxing.  The vomiting was letting up.  I got up and danced for joy.  Then I smiled at my tired parents, and I went to bed.   As sleep diffused through my body, I felt peace and joy.  I knew tomorrow would be better.

What did I learn?  Prayer does change events in our lives.  Parents are there for me, even when I am so grumpy.  I am loved, and can rejoice even when I do not feel well.  I must also be more thankful for my health.  I praise God I only rarely sick. 


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Adventure of a Lifetime

Here we are in a new year.  I am trying to establish a good routine for the year.  This is a time for setting goals, projecting what the year will be like.  I really want to grow in my abilities this year.  I want my ministry to expand.  I want to see fruit from seeds planted.  I want it to be a smooth year.  Just slide along with no bumps or turns.  I want it to be a good year. 

Now, what does God plan for this year?  I suspect from His vantage point He will not lay it out like I would.  He will put before me those things that will make me grow.  He will expand my ministry in ways I have not yet envisioned.  I also know there will be bumps and turns.  Yes, I will encounter some difficult things.  In fact, I already have. 

It is easy to make new year’s plans.  Then when those plans are thwarted to just give up because it does not fit the original image.  That is tempting because readjusting takes a lot of effort.  Maybe not making plans is best.  Just go with the flow.

As I reflect on this, I conclude that I should make plans.  I should work those plans.  I should be willing to revise plans, even daily.  Really, I should be ready to hang on for the adventure of a lifetime, every day.  As God maps out the way, count on being surprised with regularity.  And then know if it is in God’s hands it will be a good year!