Yesterday I went Christmas shopping with Mom. For those of you who have had this experience with me know, this can be a very exhausting, frustrating experience. Usually in the hustle and bustle of the season this task is pushed to the last possible moment increasing our stress. This year we worked it in earlier. The pace was more relaxed as we headed to a new mall. As usual, I knew in my mind what the perfect gift looked like for each person. The trouble begins as we hit the shops only to find the shops do not have that same “perfect gift” anywhere on their shelves. This means it is time to shift to flexibility mode. My flexibility mode is almost always out of order, so the frustration begins to mount. This time we were not as pressured for time, so we kept strolling along. The mall was crowded. The shops had many nice things, but either the color or size or price was wrong. Then, I found a great present. Mom and I looked around in that shop for more, but this was the only offering. I bought it feeling great joy, only to be reminded that this was only one of several. The day was long. We went to other malls and stores. After endless hours of walking and shopping and spending I was able to come home with the task complete.
Much later I was reflecting on the first Christmas. God gave us the very gift that He planned. He did not have to settle for second best or less. He gave the gift He imagined. He gave the perfect gift. I am so thankful for that perfect gift which was Jesus all wrapped up in a human body. It was Jesus coming to offer me salvation. My gifts seem insignificant in comparison. Giving gifts to those we love is fun. I need to remember the perfect Gift has already been given. I can never match that. My gifts are just tokens to express my love. God’s gift was eternal. Thank You, God for this matchless gift.