Hope amidst pain
As across the land I gazed
I gasp at the barren field.
The panorama has been razed,
A great wound unhealed.
A floor of polished wood
Defiantly glares at me
Walls and roof once stood
Now all are washed to sea.
Days ago the Gospel here spoken
Now only a floor and cross remain,
The cross of comfort, a token
Of hope amidst the pain.
Upon this spot Good News once poured
Into the thirsty, the tired, hurt.
Most hardened and left uncured.
Choosing to live in dark desert.
This church all in its beauty
Could only reach a precious few
Bravely she fulfilled her duty,
Out of granite hearts a church to hew.
Working hard to be oasis
To the burdened, heavy laden.
To give a drink of salvation’s chalice
To shine, a place of haven.
Yet here stands the cross of comfort
A sign of hope and deep, sure peace.
At this cross gather the stalwart
Where they find joy and release.
Now hearts that were encased and hard
Are becoming cracked and tender
Devastation has left them scarred;
It is time for the Gentle Mender.
Love and grace release your scent,
By the arms of the Church heal.
From Thy blood freely spent
Let them see what indeed is real.
Jeffrey Hill
August 23, 2011
Note: This is written about the Kessenuma First Bible Baptist Church which was destroyed in the March 11, 2011 Tsunami. It is located in place which for many years has resisted the Gospel. Today the pastor is living in a refugee shelter and is ministering to those in his community. He is being the hands of Jesus there where so much has been lost. My dad and many others are helping as this is a special opportunity for Japan where less than one half of one percent are Christians. My mom says it is an expensive opportunity and should not be wasted.