Saturday, March 26, 2011

2011 March 26 - Praise & Pray - Hills of Japan



Seemingly things calm down a bit more every day.  Please do not be lulled to sleep regarding how serious the threat.  250,000 still reside in refuge centers.  Currently reports state over 10,000 dead, but they have not yet searched the evacuated circle hit by the tsunami around the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.  It will still take some time to do that.  It will take months or longer before the full clearing of all the debris.  The rebuilding will take even longer.  Costs will continue to raise for all, impacting those in great need the most.

Please, PLEASE pray that the Japanese also will not be lulled to sleep regarding their precarious position spiritually.  As they rise again out of the dust and ashes, may they not mistake this temporal recovery for the eternal recovery offered by our LORD Jesus Christ who rose up from the grave.

Pray especially for the Nuclear Power Plant employees that they will be safe.  Pray that a final solution will be found and pray that the world will know that the LORD Jesus Christ gave them the solution.

We as a family will be out on Monday helping as we can in a community a little more than an hour north of us.

Thanks so much for your faithful prayers!!  We are DESPERATE for your prayers!

PLEASE direct other interested “prayer warriors” to to read these updates.

Remember, Cling to the LORD your God! (cp. Deuteronomy 13:4) --- and hold on for the ride of your life!

Family With You In Christ,

Abi, Jeffrey, Cheryl & Leon

You can participate in this emergency ministry by contributing to the WorldVenture Japan Earth.  These funds for the most part will be used for the relief efforts lead by the Japanese Association of CB Churches and us partnering missionaries.  Click below… (or copy and paste it.)

 We thank our new supporters, but now…

OUR SUPPORT NEED: $22,449/month.  Falling $ strikes AGAIN

To contribute or make support commitments go to:
Find our name under the "FIND A MISSIONARY".
Then look for the "make a donation" or "make a commitment" near the top of the page.

Or send to:
1501 W Mineral Ave.
Littleton, CO


 *** *** *** *** ***
FROM:  Leon & Cheryl Hill
ADDRESS:  3-6-14 Matsuba
            Ryugasaki Shi, Ibaraki Ken
            Japan  301-0043
TEL/FAX:  0297-66-5030
            (from USA) 81-297-66-5030
Cell:  090-6537-2635

 *** *** *** *** ***

Thursday, March 17, 2011

2011 March 18 - Praise & Pray - Hills of Japan


Below is a letter by our pastor whose church is 5 kilometers from the nuclear power plant that is at risk in Fukushima Prefecture.  Please read it and feel the passion of this pastor’s heart.


Refugee Life Report by Rev. Akira Satoh

I give thanks for your prayers.  On March 15th at 1 in the morning, my wife and I, having joined a truck which was full of relief supplies, stopped at a local store, taking anything we could get our hands on from the shelves, buying it all and filling our trunk and back seat area; with these supplies we headed north straight for Fukushima.  Though on the way we saw sink holes in the road and houses that had partially collapsed we moved smoother than we expected, yet we also heard via the media about another explosion at the nuclear power plant and the leakage of radioactivity and added to that we heard reports of the enlarging of the evacuation area, prohibitions regarding entering the evacuation area and the like, so though perplexed we chose the inland road.  It took 10 hours, but finally we arrived safely in Aizu at the refuge shelter (a church) at 11o’clock in the morning.  Hallelujah!

About one-third of the 60 church members came from near the nuclear power plant, the radioactivity contamination testing not yet done they then joined us in the afternoon.  At that time when we immediately started with a worship service, I began to hear their sobbing voices and I realized just how much each had passed through upon arriving here.  In the evening we went to a nearby hot springs and shared the joy of bathing for the first time in five days.  We were deeply touched by the kindness of the Aizu Church.  One by one, trembling with emotion, I saw them call out and embracing each other saying “Your alive!” and the flow of tears started flowing again.

And all that to realize, they have just started Gypsy like wanderings, no longer having a home, and I ask these who left with just the clothes on their backs, “Do you need to launder anything?” and when they answered “We have NOTHING to wash.” I could not find the words to respond to them.  When I asked, I found that some of them have had nothing to drink or eat for 3 days; others had spent those days numb with cold.  This drifting lifestyle has just started with the pressing need to secure gasoline and a place to stay.  This large family of 60 people trying to live together, and making matters worse this is a nationwide emergency in which it is hard to make decisions, so we have decided to head north preparing to establish ourselves, anticipating a protracted situation.  Perhaps as a result of exhaustion, there are those who have received I.V. in the hospitals, from the old to the babes as God’s people after the exodus, we will be traveling in the “wilderness”.  Will we ever be able to return to that town?  Will it become ruins?  Will we be able to return in 2 or 3 months?  When will we again be able to open our front doors to the church and our homes?  All seems to be a drift, in the midst of feeling our way we unite our strength guided by the pillar of fire and cloud, no other option but to wander.

The day before we left, the police gave a special “disaster relief” certification for our car so we were able to get a full tank of gas.  Tomorrow the Yonezawa Church will pay a great sacrifice by receiving us in their building.  We give thanks for their compassion and sympathy, and we can do nothing but kindly accept this means of survival.  It is just like living out a scene in a drama, I never thought I would have this kind of experience in my lifetime.  O Lord, may you protect this flock which is precious in your eye, which has begun to wander scattered about in various places like the “Remnant” like a people left behind.

Psalms 121

1I lift up my eyes to the hills.
   From where does my help come?
2 My help comes from the LORD,
   who made heaven and earth.

 3He will not let your foot be moved;
   he who keeps you will not slumber.
4Behold, he who keeps Israel
   will neither slumber nor sleep.


Please make PRAYER A PRIORITY for this congregation a priority, and ALSO PRAY FOR THE SALVATION OF THE MANY others now in similar circumstances that still do not know the love of Jesus or the fellowship of His family.

Thanks so much for your faithful prayers!!  We are DESPERATE for your prayers!

PLEASE direct other interested “prayer warriors” to to read these updates.

Remember, Cling to the LORD your God! (cp. Deuteronomy 13:4) --- and hold on for the ride of your life!

Family With You In Christ,

Abi, Jeffrey, Cheryl & Leon

You can participate in this emergency ministry by contributing to the WorldVenture Japan Earth.  These funds for the most part be used for the relief efforts lead by the Japanese Association of CB Churches and us partnering missionaries.  Click below…

OUR SUPPORT NEED: $1871/month.  Falling $ strikes again.

To contribute or make support commitments go to:
Find our name under the "FIND A MISSIONARY".
Then look for the "make a donation" or "make a commitment" near the top of the page.

Or send to:
1501 W Mineral Ave.
Littleton, CO


 *** *** *** *** ***
FROM:  Leon & Cheryl Hill
ADDRESS:  3-6-14 Matsuba
            Ryugasaki Shi, Ibaraki Ken
            Japan  301-0043
TEL/FAX:  0297-66-5030
            (from USA) 81-297-66-5030
Cell:  090-6537-2635
  Leon & Family:
HillsofJapan:  under reconstruction


 *** *** *** *** ***

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

2011 March 16 - Praise & Pray - The Hills of Japan


We were on the brink of sending this out when the earthquake took center stage.  Now seems to be a good time to share our good, earthshaking news with you.  Join us in celebrating this time.

Leon & Cheryl Hill and Masaki & Shizu Konno would like to announce the engagement of their children, Abigail Megumi Hill and Naoaki "David" Konno.  The engagement ceremony will be held on the 20th of March during the worship service at Keisen Christ Church Omitama Chapel, where the Konnos are the lay Pastors.  The wedding will be held at Keisen Christ Church Midorino Chapel on July 23rd.

For those of you who do not know Naoaki, he is a wonderful Christian young man from one of our network churches.  We have known his parents since before he was born.  He is currently a medical student at Akita University in Northern Japan.  They will locate in Akita after the wedding.

As we have observed Abi and Naoaki over the last few years we have seen the work of the Lord in their lives.  They will make a good team and will be about the Lord’s work.  It is an exciting time, and while there are some added challenges due to the changing situation in Japan right now from day to day, we are moving ahead as planned.  I shared this with a neighbor yesterday.  Her response was that is so good to have this happen now.  It shows there is still life and hope.  We agree, and want you to share in our joy.  Join us in praying that in this event, also, the name of Jesus will be lifted up.

Thanks so much for your faithful prayers!!  We are DESPERATE for your prayers!

PLEASE direct other interested “prayer warriors” to to read these updates.

Remember, Cling to the LORD your God! (cp. Deuteronomy 13:4) --- and hold on for the ride of your life!

Family With You In Christ,

Abi, Jeffrey, Cheryl & Leon

OUR SUPPORT NEED: $1871/month.  Falling $ strikes again.

To contribute or make support commitments go to:
Find our name under the "FIND A MISSIONARY".
Then look for the "make a donation" or "make a commitment" near the top of the page.

Or send to:
1501 W Mineral Ave.
Littleton, CO


 *** *** *** *** ***
FROM:  Leon & Cheryl Hill
ADDRESS:  3-6-14 Matsuba
            Ryugasaki Shi, Ibaraki Ken
            Japan  301-0043
TEL/FAX:  0297-66-5030
            (from USA) 81-297-66-5030
Cell:  090-6537-2635
  Leon & Family:
WorldVenture:  Under reconstruction

 *** *** *** *** ***

Monday, March 14, 2011

2011 March 14 - From the Hills of Japan



Some you did not get our March 12th ePraise & Pray.  Last Monday my computer started breathing its last breaths, yet in ‘safe mode’ I made fairly comprehensive backups.  But unfortunately, when I copied over the email address into the new computer not everything followed.  So I used my online google account just as it was, forgetting that those addresses had not been attended to for some time.  Hopefully I have fixed that now.


We continue to have multiple aftershocks daily and nightly.  We hardly respond to mildly strong earthquakes which previously caused us to jump out of bed and make preparations.  We open our eyes just enough to consider for a bit.  We are told that some of these exceed 4 on their scale here.

Electricity:  We were told we would have daily power outages starting from noon – 4p today.  As of yet (4:20pm as I write) we have not had any.  Maybe tomorrow?

Water:  We now get what Cheryl calls “a thin stream” of water from the tap, that is, until somebody flushes.

Gas:  Working

Gasoline:  Gas tanks full enough and have not checked yet ourselves, but reports of closed stations or limitations abound.  We are just trying not to drive.

Food:  Our stock is adequate.  Again stocks are low and the question remains, “Will the grocery stores begin to get deliveries?”

The above represents our situation.  Abi’s is about the same.


One of the larger churches in our association is just 5 kilometers from the “at risk” Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.  The authorities have evacuated a 20 kilometer range around this plant.  This includes most of the 100 plus members of this church, who now find themselves in emergency shelters.  The Sr. Pastor, Pastor Satoh, finds himself 200 kilometers south near Tokyo.  He and his wife were attending the same seminary graduation ceremony I was at, for their son-in-law’s graduation.  They tried to return but could not.

Worst Case Scenario:  Too much nuclear radiation could make the region where the church stands and the people live a ‘no man’s land’.

Please pray Romans 8:28 for them.  Pray that disaster will be turned to opportunity for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ Our Lord.  Pray for comfort and adequate food, water, & etc.

Thanks so much for your faithful prayers!!  We are DESPERATE for your prayers!

Remember, Cling to the LORD your God! (cp. Deuteronomy 13:4) --- and hold on for the ride of your life!

Family With You In Christ,

Abi, Jeffrey, Cheryl & Leon

OUR SUPPORT NEED: $1871/month.  Falling $ strikes again.

To contribute or make support commitments go to:
Find our name under the "FIND A MISSIONARY".
Than look for the "make a donation" or "make a commitment" near the top of the page.

Or send to:
1501 W Mineral Ave.
Littleton, CO


 *** *** *** *** ***
FROM:  Leon & Cheryl Hill
ADDRESS:  3-6-14 Matsuba
            Ryugasaki Shi, Ibaraki Ken
            Japan  301-0043
 *** *** *** *** ***

2011 March 12 - From the Hills of Japan


First, we are safe and uninjured.

Second, we have never experienced anything of this magnitude in our 26 years here.

I am writing a quick note to cover a wide scope of those wondering about us.  I will try to answer the many emails soon, which were sent to us while we tried to sleep last night.  (Cheryl thinks that the writer of "Shake, Rattle and Roll" must have been in an earthquake and aftershocks like these.)

We have had minor damage (minor breakage inside, some roof repair will be needed) compared to many others in the north.  We are in the greater Tokyo area albeit the northeast side.  Abi is an hour north and they were without electricity.  Good friends (and missionaries) north by an hour and a half from us have had life changing events there.  They and their house are safe though much on the inside is broken, but, all of their neighbors have had to locate in a shelter for now.  Their houses are no longer viable.

Further north yet, (4 – 6 hours) our friends have been unreachable by us and we like you watch the news and see the terrible scenes.

Unlike many others we have heat, electricity, and gas.  But no water.  It stopped during the night.  Buckets are at the ready for the toilets.  Aftershocks continue.

I (Leon) was at a seminary graduation ceremony at which a young man I have known and participated in his discipleship since he was in high school, was graduating.  The earthquake hit in the middle of the ceremony and at first everybody tried to ignore it, but it would not let up and we first ducked for cover under the benches, but quickly everyone left the building.  We waited around in a large open space watching to see which way the bell tower might fall.  I and my missionary friend, Paul Sadler, who came by train soon decided to try and get to our homes in my car.  That trip distinguished itself only by the swaying bridge over the largest river in the area.

Cheryl and Jeffrey had taken cover under the kitchen table watching the bookshelves empty themselves.

Tears fill our eyes as we read the multitude of FB & email messages speaking of your prayers.  We believe these prayers continue to effect protection for us and the others here.

This is not over yet and we will continue to crave your prayers for us.

Well so much for short.  I will now try to send this out.  The other tragedy this week centered on the collapse of my computer.

Thanks so much for your faithful prayers!!  We are DESPERATE for your prayers!

Remember, Cling to the LORD your God! (cp. Deuteronomy 13:4) --- and hold on for the ride of your life!

Family With You In Christ,

Abi, Jeffrey, Cheryl & Leon

OUR SUPPORT NEED: $1871/month.  Falling $ strikes again.
To contribute or make support commitments go to:
Find our name under the "FIND A MISSIONARY".
Than look for the "make a donation" or "make a commitment" near the top of the page.

Or send to:
1501 W Mineral Ave.
Littleton, CO


 *** *** *** *** ***
FROM:  Leon & Cheryl Hill
ADDRESS:  3-6-14 Matsuba
            Ryugasaki Shi, Ibaraki Ken
            Japan  301-0043
 *** *** *** *** ***