Sunday, November 21, 2010

Away We Go

I am back.  The time in America was far different than I was anticipating.  It was hard, and often sad.  One spectacular experience was flying in a hot air balloon.  In Albuquerque, almost every morning you can see these balloons.  They seem to lumber across the sky in a variegated color display.  You can also see a tiny basket hanging at the bottom.  I enjoyed seeing them, but my imagination could not encompass riding in one.  Not so my dad!  He wanted to ride.  He did. He enjoyed it.  He was doing it again.  All of a sudden I was going to ride.  Should I give in to joy or give in to fear?  I decided joy felt better so why not.  I watched the inflation of the balloon, and even helped from time to time.  This was a fascinating process.  Then it was get-in-the-little-basket time.  From the ground the basket looked big, as did the balloon.  I climbed in with my parents and listened carefully to the instructions.  That seemed a wise move.  As we chatted and looked about I felt movement.  We were ascending!!!  It was more of a floating experience.  I was fascinated by looking down on the landscape below.  Houses looked different from this venue.  I saw a bigger picture of things, and it helped me see beauty I had not seen before.  Then I realized I was seeing a little more like God sees things.  The perspective was different.  I was reminded visually that God sees the big picture encompassing so much more than my narrow view.  I cannot rely on my wisdom which sees only a slice of the picture.  I need to trust God’s plan.  He sees the whole big picture.  It was one of most exhilarating experiences I had.  It was a very uplifting learning experience.  I will do it again.  Want to come along?



Monday, June 7, 2010

Who is Translating What?

Last Sunday I had a great opportunity and a first.  I was invited to share a testimony at the church where Abi works.  I wrote it all out and was prepared but nervous.  When we talked to Abi, it became clear this was to be an extemporaneous speech.  The idea was not for me to have Abi read what I wrote, but for me to use my writing as my notes, and compose in front of everyone.  My mom would then pass on my written word to Abi who would translate it into beautiful Japanese.  Now I was really scared. Could I do this?  Well, since my testimony involved God ministering in miraculous ways through me, it did not seem I had much room to fret.  When the time came for me to “speak” I was nervous.  To increase the drama Abi’s dog was so glad to see to see me, she barked outside the window the entire time I was presenting.  However, it began to flow. And in the end Mama was simultaneously translating my words to Abi who simultaneously translated them into Japanese.  I think it went well, and I can see more of this in the future.  As I look back on it I am chagrinned that I expended energy worrying about it.  God always is there translating my life into a manifestation of His glory.  It also works better when I do not get in His way.  When I am fretting, I am focused on Jeffrey, not God.  That does not accomplish the goal.  So, I better put Jeffrey in the back, and God in the front.  I think it works better that way.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Change? Are you sure, God?

I must confess I am a person who detests change.  I think much of this is influenced by my autism, but I suspect some of it is just my nature – who I am.  I do like the changing seasons, but I also find discomfort in this as I must adjust my dress and sleep habits to suit.  It heightens my stress.  Changing furniture arrangements in the house makes me uncomfortable. Changing daily routines makes me irritable. Understanding this, you can only imagine my feelings at this time of change in my life.  My beautiful, exquisite, “tiny”, baby sister has grown up.  She has been led by Jesus to step into a ministry of helping a very small church for the next year.  These are exciting things.  I am happy for her!  I am proud of her!  I am devastated.  You see this wonderful event in her life means she had to move out of our house and lives about an hour away.  Now when I go to bed, the room across the hall is dark and quiet, and stays dark and quiet all night.  My dear soul mate is not here.  I know in my head this is a good step for Abi.  It is the next step in her growth.  She needs this.  But alas, my heart hurts at her vacant place in our home.  I prayed for her to come to our family when we were little.  I did not pray she would move away.


As I have thought about this I have come to see that not only is this the next step God has designed for Abi, but it is the next step God has designed for me.  Rather than rebelling against this maybe I would do better to trust my Creator.  He knew this day in my life would come.  He also knows my weakness.  However, I can say today, “Praise the Lord.”  Why?  I can say that because I can trust in the mighty strength of God who allows me to leap a wall.  Yes, even the wall of change.  And, in the bargain Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. So bring on the change; I am armed and ready.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Personal Object Lesson

Yesterday while sitting in family devotions we were reading in Isaiah 51 how God was the one who stretched the sky like a canopy and laid the foundations of the earth.  We were about to comment about that when God gave us an object lesson.  There was a low rumble, and then the earth shook and so did we.  It was an earthquake, not an unusual occurrence here.  The timing was exactly right to make us see and feel for ourselves that God was in charge of the foundations of the earth.  I could only be amazed at a God who could give us a personal object lesson to illustrate His Word.  It underscored the fact that the Scripture is living, an extension of the living God.  I was reminded again that God is intimately involved in our daily life.  He wants to make the words on the page of Scripture jump off the page (or shake off as the case may be), and become part of our lives.  I think sometimes I need an earthquake to waken me to that fact.  Sorry for those of you who had to endure any inconvenience my personal object lesson may have caused.

Monday, March 15, 2010

God's Word - My Joy

God’s Word- My Joy 

Oh the joy God’s Word to read;

Diamonds and pearls I daily find,

Stopping there, my soul to feed.

In my heart His truth to bind.


Oh the joy God’s Word to hear,

My ear His wondrous Truth to grasp.

Oh spoken word you seem so clear,

And to my heart this Word I clasp.


Oh the joy God’s Word to sing!

You bid me come to your embrace;

You shelter me beneath your wing,

Wells up in me a song of grace.


Oh the joy God’s Word to live!

And so each day Your Light to shine

And so to those around me give

A chance to see this Savior mine.


February 22, 2010

Jeffrey Hill

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Startings and Finishes

We are off and running into 2010.  My Dad ran a 5K marathon race on January 11.  My Mom and I did a 4K run-walk race.  I found that it was rather easy over all.  I wanted to run out fast, but my Mom said she would run some, but not the whole way.  She was really pacing herself; I was in a hurry.  She kept talking about the hills at the end.  I wanted to get to them quick, but she would not go fast enough.  Then we hit the hills.  They were not too bad at first for me, so I quoted Scripture to Mom, and helped her make it.  The course leveled off, and I was ready to push it in, but Mom said there were more hills.  Of course, she was right.  At the last hill I was yelling, “Stop!  Stop!”  But, Mom had no mercy.  She started quoting Scripture to me.  She promised we would run in to the goal - probably a half kilometer.  We were heading to the spot where we would run, and there was Dad.  I wanted to run with him.  He thought we might not be able to run the last bit, but we had wisely saved enough energy to finish well.  We were tired, but were able to finish giving our praise to our Maker who knew our bodies well. My Mom kept encouraging me and telling me she was proud of me.  She kept saying “hallelujah” as we ran and walked. She worked with me to help me get to the end and finish strong.   What did I learn?  Finishing well is pleasing to the Lord.  It makes me feel good.  It encourages others.  Thank you, Mom, for helping me finish well by setting the example. I did not tell you then, but I am proud of you, Mama! To God be the Glory.