Tuesday, December 22, 2009

In The Stable Again

Last week found me again in the riding stable.  As I was praising God with my Christian trainer, my mind was filled with thoughts of Christmas.  I saw the plight of sinners caught in the grip of tradition, business, and vanity, waiting for a way out of the morass.  I thought of shepherds trying to stay warm and keep the sheep in place, doing a smelly, boring job.  I thought about a couple traveling a long way at an inconvenient time, because the ruler wanted to flex his muscles. I saw their worry and exhaustion as they sought shelter where none could be found.


Then I saw God leading a poor young couple a long way from home so The King would be born in the right place.  I saw him open the heart of an inn keeper to allow that couple the use of a warm and private resting place in his stable.  I saw angels coming in great joy to lowly, uneducated shepherds to announce the birth of The Redeemer of the whole earth.  I saw shepherds who understood it and ran to see The Redeemer.  How wonderful He was in a stable where they could feel at ease rushing in with their smells and dirt.  I saw a mother and father who obeyed God and allowed God to do this in their lives.


Lord, for Christmas this year I want you to give me the peace of the stable, the joy and voice of the angels, the awe and response of the shepherds, the obedience of Mary and Joseph.  Thank you God for Your indescribable Gift.